When you change hosting companies it will be necessary to change your domain name nameserver settings to reflect the change. It's like telling the post office you are moving and letting them know of your new address. If you registered your domain name with a company other than HostMetro you will have to contact them on the specific steps for changing nameservers.
HostMetro's nameservers are ns3.HostMetro.com and ns4.HostMetro.com.
To change the nameservers on your domain name that you registered with HostMetro.com please follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to your account manager by clicking here.
Step 2: Click on "Domains" from the navigation menu and choose "My Domains" from the drop-down.
Step 3: Click the "Manage Domain" button for the domain name for which you're changing nameservers.
Step 4: Click on the "Nameservers" tab.
From here you can update your nameservers to point wherever you need. Please keep in mind that nameserver changes aren't instant. It may take up to 24 hours for the changes to be reflected on the internet.
Please note: Changing nameserver settings is NOT the same as transferring a domain.
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