1. Go to Applications
2. Open Mail
3. From the menu bar, click Mail, then Preferences
4. While in Accounts, click the + button to create an account
5. Enter your Full Name, E-mail address (where yourdomain.com is your registered domain name hosted at Host Metro) and Password. Then click Continue.
6. Enter the following information for POP (where yourdomain.com is your registered domain name hosted at Host Metro):
Incoming mail server: pop.yourdomain.com
User Name: email@yourdomain.com
Password: Your e-mail password
Then click Continue.
7. Enter the following information for SMTP (where yourdomain.com is your registered domain name hosted at Host Metro):
Then click Continue.
8. Click Continue.
9. The last page will outline your Account Summary. Click Create.
10. You will then return to the Accounts Window. You may close this window as mail is currently being downloaded to your Apple Mail.
11. By clicking your inbox, you will see any new mail that has been downloaded or click Get Mail.
NOTE: If you have trouble sending email out, try changing the SMTP port number to 2626 and make the Authentication setting as follows:
(1) Click Accounts
(2) In the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) section, click smtp.yourdomain.com.
(3) A pull-down menu will appear. Click Edit Server List...
(4) Highlight smtp.yourdomain.com from the Accounts list and the change the Server port to 2626.
(5) From the Authentication area, click the arrow and click Password
(6) In the Username field, enter your webmail address. In the Password field, enter your webmail password
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